Meubles RD
Brand Refresh.
Since their beginnings, Meubles RD have done things differently. In 2005, they were commissioned by a furniture manufacturer to liquidate their surplus. Quickly, expertise was built, and the formula simply worked. To mark and express this growth, they changed their name in 2020 from Surplus RD to Meubles RD.
Today, there are 32 stores scattered throughout Quebec that respond to the same original mission: to reinvent furniture stores in Quebec. They cut costs and maximize the chain to reduce prices and ultimately reinvent the system.
Meubles RD is now the largest independent chain of furniture stores in Quebec and is in the midst of evolving their brand. They are now refining their image to reflect the quality of their products.
Meubles RD
Brand Refresh
Brand Platform Update
Launch Campaign
Social Media
Project Lead - Client: Philippe Allaire
Project Lead: Andrée Losier
Creative Direction: Louis Chapdelaine, Philippe Comeau
Art Director: L. Chapdelaine, C. Duclos
Copywriting: Philippe Comeau